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The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force on 2nd October 2000. Under this legislation the courts and tribunals are obliged to interpret UK law to give effect to the European Convention on Human Rights. A number of “Articles” (distinct sections) of the European Convention have relevance to employment rights.
In general the Human Rights Act has had only a very modest effect on employment rights, as most of the relevant rights are qualified in any event, are the subject of other legislation e.g. race, gender, disability discrimination law, or are subject to the employment tribunal and courts needs to allow relevant evidence in order to ensure a fair hearing.
Redundancy - Redundancy is one of the potentially fair rea...
Holiday Entitlement and Pay - Until the introduction of the Working Time Re...
Compromise/ Settlement Agreement - A Settlement Agreement (formerly called a Com...
Monitoring and Surveillance of Staff - Employers may have a variety of reasons for m...
National Living Wage - The National Living Wage came into effect on ...